Sonnet #18 Sh on the whole I compare thee to a spends xxiv hours? -- William Shakespeare Mood: Cheerful, evaluate, astonishmentstruck, confident Theme: True stunner is immortalized through with(p) graphics and thus prevails despite the ravages of time. Structure: Lines 1-9, 10-14 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In sonnet #18, William Shakespeare reveals that with art, true beauty is immortalized and thus surmounts the ravages of time. The poet expresses an awestruck, confident and praising status towards his subject to convey his idea that his mistress is to a greater extent dishy than anything in this solid ground. He is enforcing that his art is outside the world of time and to validate his point, he embodies the eternity of his ladys beauty through the permanence of poetry. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In rail railway lines 1 to 9 of the sonnet, Shakespeare states his initial foreland Shall I compare thee to a summers mean solar day? and this statement provides the eart h for the rest of the poem. The praise and awe is most evident in these lines as he reveals all the qualities the mistress possesses. In lines 10 to 14, the poet makes a confident argument as to her eternal summer and reinforces the fact that her beauty give remain forever in art. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In the first line of the poem, the poet asks a rhetorical chief to establish what he is comparability his mistress to. He is victorious something already regarded as beautiful and is rising above it to stupefy the praise of his lady. The extent of her beauty is immediately illustrated as she is more(prenominal) lovely and more temperate than summer itself.
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By this, the poet suggests that she is more gentle and restrained whereas a summers day may dedicate violent excesses in store. The beautiful flowers parade at the pedigree of summer are shaken by the rough winds and this reveals that the poet thinks of summer, and... Not love the breakdown of the quatrains here. Its a sonnet so by definintion you cant whole step at it as lines 1-9 and 10 - 14. You also failed to none that line 9 is real the turn so must transmit a quttrain (in this slickness the third. This sonnets structure is 4/4/4/2 not 9/5. Any breakdown of 9/5 would by definition fail to qualify as a sonnet. If you involve to get a full essay, point it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.comIf you want to get a full essay, visit our page:
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